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“The animals that come out to dance to Tamino’s flute have walked off of every Chagall canvas we have ever seen.”

On this day in 1967 the Marc Chagall production of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte was unveiled at the Met. Soprano Lucia Popp made her Met debut as the Queen of the Night. 

Alan Rich in the World Journal-Tribune:

By the end of last evening, many members of the Metropolitan Opera House’s audience were convinced that Marc Chagall had not only designed the new production of “The Magic Flute,” but had also composed the music, written the libretto, sung the major roles and conducted. It was decidedly Chagall’s evening, judging from the conversation and from the wild applause that greeted each new stage picture (often to the detriment of the music); seldom has a Met audience come to a performance so visual-minded.

What the painter has provided is certainly worth discussion, to be sure; it may well turn out to be the conversational gambit of the season. He has not so much designed a scenic production of the opera as he has provided a commentary on it. There is no scenery at all, in the usual sense; the action unfolds, rather, against a sumptuous series of Chagall paintings and forms that deal in some general way with mood, and in some even more general way with symbolic significance.

He has not stinted himself. Everything is rich, recognizable, vintage Chagall, the fanciful figures, the slashing, vibrant colors. The animals that come out to dance to Tamino’s flute have walked off of every Chagall canvas we have ever seen. The costumes are Chagall paintings wrapped around people, and they, too, are wildly, vividly colorful.

Reservations, however, must be expressed. One is constantly busy with the settings, simply because they do stand so completely for the man’s viewpoint on the opera. There is a sense, almost, of redundancy, of two “Magic Flutes” simultaneously presented. And sometimes his viewpoints are so personal as to clash with that of any other viewer (and listener). The brilliant reds of the final temple scene are splendid translations of the triumph, but what about the deep mauves of the previous scene? Is that what you and I feel as the Queen of the Night is banished? Possibly not.


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2391 days ago
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Fitness app releases data-set that reveals the location of sensitive military bases, patrol routes, aircrew flightpaths, and individual soldiers' jogging routes

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Strava is a popular fitness route-tracker focused on sharing the maps of your workouts with others; last November, the company released an "anonymized" data-set of over 3 trillion GPS points, and over the weekend, Institute for United Conflict Analysts co-founder Nathan Ruser started a Twitter thread pointing out the sensitive locations and details revealed by the release. (more…)

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2413 days ago
S t r a v a
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6 Comments and 19 Shares
[*disables social networking accounts*] [*social isolation increases*] Wait, why does this ALSO feel bad?
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2754 days ago
Yup. 2017...
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5 public comments
2753 days ago
Well, when you put it that way...
Sherman, TX
2754 days ago
Close to home
Washington, DC
2754 days ago
It's so sad that we can choose our friends from the entire world based on commonalities of interests and values, rather than the old fashioned way of choosing them based on accident of geography.
Columbia, MD
2754 days ago
But sometimes it's good, because what if you live in a super-rural area, and there aren't really any people who share your interests?
2754 days ago
Or, on review, you were being ironic, and I misread. Oops!
2754 days ago
You may lose the sea of toxicity, but you also lose cat videos. Is that really a trade-off you want to make?
East Helena, MT
2754 days ago
Did it. Never felt better. But, I have a silly meatspace cat in my house.
2754 days ago
@olliejones, jokes on you, you're participating in a social network.
2754 days ago
[*disables social networking accounts*] [*social isolation increases*] Wait, why does this ALSO feel bad?

2016 says it’s really sorry about the mess.

1 Comment

2016 says it’s really sorry about the mess.

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2806 days ago
NOT my mom's house...
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I'm With Her

6 Comments and 23 Shares
We can do this.
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2860 days ago
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6 public comments
2860 days ago
I unabashedly love this. I love it. Thank you, Randall.
Greater Bostonia
2860 days ago
New York, NY
2861 days ago
2861 days ago
Do not feed the trolls
2861 days ago
I didn't know Randall is pro-War. Saddening, actually.
2861 days ago
No, it's saddening that both parties put pro-war candidates on the ballot. I'm voting Johnson, but if you insist in propping up the two-party duopoly, then Clinton is the least bad choice.
2861 days ago
Politics aside, I'm surprised to see him do politics. These are extraordinary times.
2861 days ago
It was cool when she said, "I would bomb the shit out of 'em. I would just bomb those suckers. That's right. I'd blow up the pipes. ... I'd blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left."
2861 days ago
You surely don't actually believe that Hillary is pro-war and Trump is pro-peace, right? So are you disappointed that he's not supporting Stein or Johnson, or what? (And stevetursi: I have given up on people this election figuring out sarcasm, so for others in this thread, he's quoting Trump.)
2861 days ago
@wreichard Yes. This is an artist truly putting his money where his mouth is. Even though I disagree with him (and am not a fan of interrupting comedy with a serious political PSA) I still respect his courage in speaking out in a truly extraordinary political cycle.
2861 days ago
As a German, I couldn't care less which of the two fascist idiots will start the next war. I'm stunned about the weird American politics, suggesting that one of those two fascists "must" be the next President. That's all. But yes, if I had the right to vote in the U.S., I'd surely vote for Stein.
2861 days ago
That's admirable, and since I'm not a swing state voter I can do something like that. I'm not a fan of Clinton, but my priority right now is to send Trump back to the shit-infested hellhole he came from, and if that means making her president for the next four years, so be it.
2861 days ago
It's not about being pro-War, it's about being anti-Trump. An actual, literal fascist augmented by dangerous libertarian rhetoric.
2861 days ago
Being "anti-Trump" is a bad excuse to vote for the war.
2861 days ago
No, it isn't. It's not an excuse, it's a logical choice. Trump is demonstrably unstable and his election will rally all those who listen to his dog-whistles as being acceptable. There is literally no reason to vote for Trump unless you are a misinformed, (un)willingly bigoted, culturally- and economically-protected white person. And the latter goes for Johnson, as your votes will do nothing but pat your own back at the expense of those who would be killed under a Trump regime.
2861 days ago
At least Trump was not an alleged (?!) part of a certain child sex ring. -- What makes you think President Trump would be responsible for deaths and President Clinton would not?
2861 days ago
You are German. If you do not understand the difference between Trump, who is stoking xenophobia and racism as a scapegoat for a working class that feels disenfranchised and is moved to violence, and Hillary, all I can tell you is your knowledge of your own post-WWI history is sadly lacking. (And Trump *is* actually accused of raping a 13-year-old, so you appear to have your child sex stories backwards.)
2861 days ago
Point of correction: Trump is not libertarian, and neither is his rhetoric. He's more closely resembles an authoritarian, which is the opposite of libertarian.
2861 days ago
Trump is literally going to pretrial in December for child rape. There is nothing substantial to the Clinton version. Trump is loudly and enthusiastically fanning the violent flames of racism. Disenfranchised Americans will die.
2861 days ago
I think at this point it's clear that our German friend is demonstrably ill-informed and would be advised to have him do his homework before continuing to engage.
2861 days ago
@stevetursi Trump's libertarian enough to get Peter Thiel's endorsement. And I was just pondering if he was actually a Troll For Hire.
2861 days ago
Clinton already showed her will to lie in order to justify a war when she was a Minister. Trump never was a Minister. Where and when exactly did Trump suggest to send military anywhere to solve a problem?
2861 days ago
I get it, you're Clinton fans. Because she's a woman or something. Child rape, lies and lust for military intervention are only bad when you're Trump. Yes, I fail to see the logic here - and that's not because I'm German.
2861 days ago
Nordic: Having Thiel's backing does not a libertarian make. Cthu: Again, suggest you do your homework. Answers to all your questions are easy to find.
2861 days ago
Steve: My point is that he has overlap. :)
2861 days ago
I wouldn't dispute that. It's called nuance. Everybody has a little nuance. (:
2861 days ago
And here goes my trust in the newsblur comment sections.
2861 days ago
Just came here to say this is all crap. Thanks, Randall, for ruining one of the few last bastions of apolitics.
2861 days ago
This is saddening. I too consider Him to be so contemptible that even Her is the lesser evil. But this is not a place for electioneering.
2860 days ago
Yes, how very dare Randall express his opinion in his comic, that he draws, and you read for free. What a monster he is. Allow me to clutch my pearls in shock.
2860 days ago
"suggesting that one of those two fascists "must" be the next President. That's all. But yes, if I had the right to vote in the U.S., I'd surely vote for Stein." You'd do well to study the electoral college a bit. The US system pretty much enforces a two-party race for President because any prospective candidate _must_ get more than half the electoral college votes. There are 538 of them, so the winner must get 270. Third parties, when they get enough support to be meaningful, siphon off votes from the party they most closely resemble. Not everyone who votes for Clinton this year will be a "fan" but we recognize the mathematics of the electoral process. One of those two people WILL be president next January. Jill Stein will not. Given that choice, I'm With Her, just like Randall
2861 days ago
We can do this.

The Perfect Gift For Building a Geeky-Romance

funny dating image star wars lego figures is the prefect geeky romance gift

Submitted by: (via afl1019)

Tagged: geek , star wars , legos , perfect , girt , dating
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2877 days ago
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